Hernia Surgeon in Hyderabad

Laparoscopic Hernia Repair

Laparoscopic Hernia Repair in Hyderabad has now become even more accessible. The superior and the most-advanced nature of this approach has quickly become the patient’s and surgeon’s top choice for hernia surgery.

Dr Ankit Mishra is the only exclusive hernia specialist surgeon in Hyderabad who has dedicated his surgical career to the research, education and advancement of hernia surgery in India. He currently performs some of the most technically challenging and advanced hernia surgery via a laparoscopic approach to give his patient’s the best in world hernia care.

Let us understand its beauty and benefits at a glance.

What is a hernia? Is laparoscopic hernia surgery possible?

Hernia is a breach/gap in the protective abdominal wall muscles and fascia. This allows the internal organs like small and/or large intestines, omentum, stomach, liver or urinary bladder to come outside this protective cavity just beneath the skin.

Laparoscopic hernia repair is now considered the gold standard for most hernias and Dr Ankit Mishra has been at the forefront of its use for most of his patients, including some complex ones.

What are the types of hernia treated by laparoscopy?

Hernias are broadly categorised as External, which is apparent/visible to the eyes and Internal, which isn’t apparent/visible to the eyes.

External hernias, the more common type you hear about, are of several types that are treated by laparoscopy:

Inguinal hernia:

The most commonly heard hernia is an inguinal one. A swelling in the groin which appears on standing, coughing or lifting heavy objects and disappears on lying down is suggestive of an inguinal hernia.

Femoral hernia:

Another hernia appears in the groin area and is seen more commonly in females than males. These herniae are hard to differentiate from an inguinal hernia, don’t worry leave that to your hernia surgeon!

Umbilical hernia:

Your umbilicus is the weakest area of your abdominal wall. A bulge in and around the belly button is likely an umbilical hernia. It is very common in females after childbirth due to the stretch of the weakened area. The disfigurement gives an odd look to the umbilicus.

Incisional hernia:

A hernia that appears in the scar of the previous open surgery, less likely laparoscopic surgery, is called an Incisional hernia. If your scar is bulging and your belly looks out of shape after surgery you must see your hernia surgeon immediately. A hernia after a c-section is one such example.

Epigastric hernia:

This hernia is in the upper mid abdomen. At times this hernia is hidden. With no apparent swelling and excruciating pain, the diagnosis is often difficult to make. Don’t worry, your hernia surgeon knows exactly how to find them!

Spigelian/Flank/lumbar hernia:

A swelling in the outer part of your abdomen or lower back may be a flank or lumbar hernia. Although rare, these hernia demands special attention and care.

Hiatus/Diaphragmatic hernia:

Diaphragm is a muscular and partly fascial partition between the chest and abdominal cavity. It helps in maintaining the domain of organs in the respective cavity. A natural gap exists in the diaphragm that allows the oesophagus to pass across from the chest to the abdominal cavity. If this gap increases in size the oesophagus along with the stomach can migrate into the chest cavity. This gives rise to acidity, heartburn, reflux, night cough and even a change of voice.

Parastomal hernia:

A hernia occurring around the stoma, either urostomy or colostomy, is a parastomal hernia. It affects the function of the stoma due to the pressure effect. This is one of the most complex hernias and requires an abdominal wall reconstruction aka specialist Hernia surgeon. Often these may be associated with an Incisional hernia.

Diastasis of Recti:

The odd-looking flabby abdomen after childbirth is the result of the separation of the rectus abdominis also known as the six packs muscle. In about 45% of the female, the laxity remains and a banana-shaped swelling appears on straining. This affects the dynamic function of the abdominal wall and puts heavy pressure on the back leading to abnormal posture and backache.

Why does a hernia occur?

A hernia may be a congenital one or a weakness that occurs post-abdominal surgery. A congenital hernia may present late in adulthood. Irrespective of the cause the treatment options remain the same for adults and laparoscopic hernia surgery is the answer for most.

What are the symptoms of a hernia?

1. A bulge/swelling in the groin or abdomen. The size of the swelling may change with a change in posture.
2. Gripping or dull aching pain in the swelling.
3. Pulling sensation inside the abdomen.
4. Constipation.
5. Backache due to poor posture
6. Nausea, vomiting and abdominal distension- alarming signs!

Do hernias need treatment?

Prevention is better than cure and it stands right for hernia, too. The content of a hernia can occasionally get obstructed leading to excruciating abdominal pain, vomiting and obstipation. Prolonged obstruction can lead to loss of blood supply to the intestine or omentum. This is a medical emergency which needs attention immediately. Laparoscopic hernia surgery is possible but such emergencies may take away the opportunity of performing laparoscopy due to limited visibility inside the distended abdomen.

How are hernias treated?

Hernia is one of the few diseases that are only treated by surgical correction of the defect and reinforcing the abdominal wall weakness with or without the mesh. Don’t fall prey to hernia drops or any such decoctions as they will never help to close the gap!

The thought of long cuts, poor-looking scars, pain after surgery and delayed recovery is completely mitigated by the highly advanced laparoscopic hernia surgery procedures.